Tuesday, December 11, 2007

December 11, 2007

This is just some old stuff on etiquette that I've come up with and wanted to share.
Most of it is funny, because it is almost 100 years old, but alot of it can still be relevent today. It's all up to you:

"Social life, is one of the fine arts. It demands good-will, tact, intelligence, knowledge, energy, patience, and for great success, a large measure of humour and imagination. But many of us lack some of these things, and some of us, many of them, and so the art of social life has been reduced to a code of etiquette".

Wow, that's heavy stuff being that this is from a long time ago....and they were afraid of people loosing all sense of correctness then! Wow, too bad they couldn't take a peak into 2007!. We continue:

"They all laugh at the etiquette books, because they treat trifles so seriously, and a comparison of such manuals for, say, a hundred and fifty years past, would prove how absurdly artificial have been many of the laws that ruled society. However, even some of the most ridiculous prove on investigation to have been founded upon reason and in the necessities of life. There is nothing in social life more charming than simple sincerity of manners, naturalness, spontaneousness, and the charm of cordial ease".

Ok, they actually make sense...and what holds true in the early 1900s, really still holds true today in the early 2000s.

That's it for today, but we will leave you with one pop quiz question:

"What Are Manners?"

Answer: The polite speech and behaviour of one group of civilized mortals to another. Founded first, perhaps upon the fear of the weak for the strong, of the humble for the high, but later based upon that consideration which said each member of the community owes each other."

Oh...one more before we go....

"What are the first requisites of good manner?"

Answer: Kind-heartedness, self-respect, consideration, a sense of fair play, and some powers of observation.

Well, I guess they never had to try and get Hanna Montana Tickets for a teenager!

Till tomorrow.........

Speaking of manners, why not send a holiday basket to someone who won't be home for the holidays? See our wide selection of gift baskets at www.shopthebabystore.com. Look for our new store www.shopthegiftbasketstore.com opening soon.

And don't forget to bring a small hostess gift to all those holiday parties coming up!


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