Thursday, April 3, 2008

Never feel guilty about chocolate again

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Deep Dark Chocolate Secrets

There is always alot of talk going on back and forth abut the benefits of dark chocolate. You probably have heard that dark chocolate is good for your health, but is it true? Yes it is. Here are some dark chocolate facts that you will be happy to read. We consider them to be "deep dark chocolate secrets."

Dark chocolate helps prevent heart disease

Dark chocolate can contribute to lowering your blood pressure.

Dark chocolate can help in prevention of cancer due to a high level of
flavonoids/antioxidants - a higher level than wine, berries, and green tea.

Dark chocolate is a valid source of iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium.

Dark chocolate helps to generate seratonin in the brain, creating a healthy "feel good" sensation.

Dark chocolate does not cause acne or "zits." the milk content of other chocolates can cause acne, but not dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is less likely to cause cavities than other candy because it melts more quickly in the mouth and the cocoa butter actually protects the teeth.

Dark chocolate flavonoids can help with your blood circulation in the same way that aspirin helps to reduce the likelihood of a blood clot.

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