Friday, May 22, 2009

Reasons Why You Should Respect Your Mother - Part II - Vacations

Now that you're getting a little bit older and planning your own vactions whether as a single adult or a family person, you can't help but feel a little bit of nostalgia thinking about your vacations as a child. It wasn't just about driving down to the Jersey shore and staying at your weird Uncle's house in Lavallete. No, it was more about the special vacations that your mother managed to weazle your father into. All that change she would save, coupons that she would clip, and home cooked meals instead of restaurants to save up money for your yearly flings. For that, and an incredible amount of other stuff, you should "respect your Mother".

  • She always told your father about the planned vacations to Disney World AFTER she booked non-refundable airline tickets.

  • During the lean years, she always found ways to get either discounted tickets or discounted meals for the Parks, and she hunted down the best rates for on-site Disney hotels. And she always managed to squeeze five people and luggage into a compact car.

  • Did you ever stop to realize why Mickey Mouse always made it over to your table at Chef Mickey’s….and lingered for a long time? Your mother could charm the buttons off a mouse when she had to.

  • Her overt flirting with the front desk staff may have been embarrassing, but you must have noticed that you always got a water view room while traveling on a budget.

  • She embarrassed you no end at the Grand Canyon screaming “Watch out before you fall!” But now that you’re an adult, you realize that she saved your life.

  • Remember how she guided you through airports so that you would know what to do once you started flying on your own? You couldn’t understand why she kept telling you to pay attention, but remember your first solo flight when you missed your plane? Don’t you wish you had listened to her back then?

  • She was the one who introduced you to all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean, where you learned just how precious a band of plastic around your wrist could be. Remember how you flipped the band over from purple to white and the bartenders thought you were a newlywed and not a 16 year old kid?

  • Even though she spent half of the vacation sick in the bathroom, she was the one who planned the trip to Cancun so that you kids would know your way around in case you came back a few years later while in college.

  • Remember how embarrassed she made you when she was the only person on the catamaran in Antigua who donned a life jacket when the boat turned from the Caribbean into the Atlantic waters and the waves were 10 feet higher than the boat?

  • She embarrassed the heck out of you when she argued with your father against buying a horseback riding package from a “local vendor” on the beach in Antigua. But, when you all had to hitch a ride back to the resort on the back of a truck carrying slaughtered cow parts, well, she actually had a point.

  • After spending Spring Break with a bunch of college buddies in a sleazy motel room, you finally realized that not all hotel rooms had mini-bars and turndown service. Now you understand why your mother fought your dad tooth and nail to stay in 4 or 5 star hotels all those years.

  • Finally, while driving home penniless from your Florida spring break, just who went online and booked a Holiday Inn Express with free breakfast for you and your friends? Yep, that’s right. It was your mom.
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