Sunday, July 27, 2008

Back To School Gifts for the College Student

The day has finally the two of you have worked hard to get to since the day of their first breath....OFF TO COLLEGE! If you are like most parents, you will be doing the happy dance for the first few weeks. You will feel like a kid in a candy store. Less laundry, less money spent at the grocery store, less junk all around the house. And then in mid-September, it will hit you. Pretty soon you will be in a funk, singing Greenday's "Wake Me Up When September Ends" over and over, because you are, basically, depressed. Your child has gone off to college.

What to do? Go shopping. After you go shopping for yourself, go shopping for someone that really matters. Yes, you guessed it, the kid.

Now, all colleges will send those pamphlets home saying send a gift basket to your college kid. Make them feel recognized. Ok, so you look at the stuff they are hawking...and it is pretty darn expensive. Not only that, but it comes (usually) in some useless cardboard box or a plastic bucket (OK, the kid will think the bucket is great for pre-gaming shots of Grey Goose)....but...STOP. Send them a gift basket that is useful.

Come visit Shop The Gift Basket Store at and you will find a large selection of gifts and gift baskets that are appropriate for the college kid. Most of them come in useful packaging that can be used to hold useless junk that they collect, pens, keys, ID's, hair products, toiletries, etc. So...get hopping and send something today. It just might make your child think twice before they go off and do something stupid.....

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