Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Halloween gifts for kids with food allergies

Let's face it, all kids love to trick or treat on Halloween. One of the problems is that more than 3 million American children have food allergies. Just one bite of some types of candy can be life-threatening. No amount of ghosts or scary ghouls pose such a scare as hidden peanuts, milk in a candy product, or all sorts of treats without ingredient labels, according to the Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network.

Unfortunately, about 100 Americans, usually children, die each year from food-induced allergic reaction, according to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Experts say eight foods are the most common food-allergy culprits: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat.

Parents of food-allergic children must read every candy label in their child's Halloween bag to ensure their child's safety, although labeling is getting better and society is more aware, peanut allergen-contamination of nonpeanut containing foods is still a possibility.

Always read the ingredients of a product when you purchase it (and ONLY purchase food items that label the ingredients) the label AGAIN when you put it away, and read it yet AGAIN when you serve it.

Although many children outgrow milk, egg, and wheat allergies, sensitivity to tree nuts or shellfish may be a lifelong issue.

Do you have a son or daughter, a grandchild or niece or newphew you would like to send a Halloween gift to? We carry two adorable singing black cat halloween gifts that do not have any food products at all.

We have the Spooky Little Black Cat: This Spooky Little Cat has prepared his own version of the pop hit "Spooky Little Cat Like You" for your listening pleasure this Halloween season.

Ghosts, ghouls and goblins alike will love this lively tune and this spooky kitty! Treat yourself or your favorite spooky little people to this Spooky Little Cat!
Singing/ moving light up 16" cat Sings Spooky little cat like you, yah, Spooky.

And we also have the We Will Haunt You Spooky CatSpooky the Halloween Ghost Cat arrives to sing "We will, we will haunt you…" for your entertainment this Halloween season.

Your favorite witches and ghosts of all ages will love Spooky's rendition of this former hit tune. For decoration or for the gift giving hit of the season, it's Spooky the Halloween Ghost Cat! Singing/ moving 16" Cat dressed up as a ghost Sings "We will, we will haunt you, haunt you…"

Don't delay, order one of this spooky singing cats today!

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