Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't Forget Mom

OK, let's get this straight. You partied through high school, or at least had a good old time in band practice and band camp, or maybe you devoted all of your waking hours to either lacrosse, football or Amnesty International. In other words, you were busy....very, very busy. Too busy in fact to handle the dozen or so college applications that had to get done. Right? Who exactly sifted through the ton of paperwork that came to the house, spent hours each day on the internet researching schools, and finally hit the "submit application" button, along with the $60 application fee. Was it you? No....fess up. It wasn't you, was it? It was your Mom.

Now that all of that is behind you (plus the years of keg stands and 30's taped to your hands are over)please don't forget to recognize the person who made it all possible. Not your guidance counselor, not your biology teacher, not even you (although you did show up for the SATs, thank you). It was your Mother.

Don't forget that woman this year. Send her an adorable gift basket from Shop The Gift Basket Store. We have spa gifts, gourmet gift baskets, chocolate pretzels, flowers, cookie bouquets and more...all at Shop The Gift Basket Store.

Now, let's say it all together "Thank You Mom! Happy Mother's Day!"

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