Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Time Management for New Moms

Time Management For New Moms - 5 Ways to Make Time For Yourself
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Melani_Ward]Melani Ward

As a new "stay at home" mom with my own business and another job, I often find myself collapsing into bed every evening, barely recalling the events of the day. The more roles we juggle, such as mom, wife, business owner, working professional, etc., the more we need to remember that our own health and well-being makes all that we do possible. So, give yourself 25 minutes each day (even more if you can) where you focus entirely on yourself. It will do wonders for your heart and your mind. Here are five 5-minute exercises in self-care I recommend:

1. Before you bound out of bed in the morning, lie there for 5 minutes and forgive yourself for all you wish you had accomplished yesterday but were not able to do. Pat yourself on the back for everything you did do and give thanks for all of the people inyour life, all of your unique talents and abilities, the sun, the snow, and the world around you. Feel how great it is to wake up and have the hope of a new day in front of you.

2. As you are cruising through mid morning, take a 5 minute break. You can close your office door, take a walk down the hallway, or hide in your bathroom (if you have kids) and drink a nice big, cold bottle of water. It will rejuvenate you and give you a little energy boost. The 5 minutes you spend reconnecting and feeling present will give you the strength you need to get things done.

3. During lunchtime, take a walk. Even if you only have 5 minutes, get outside and walk. Move quickly and get your heart pumping. Release any stress you are feeling and enjoy the sunshine, rain, or snow that is showering down upon you. Appreciate the idea that you are connected to all things and the air you breathe is uniting you with all things. Take this time to set an intention for your afternoon. How do you hope to spend your time, what do you hope to accomplish? Keep your thoughts focused on the future and stay positive.

4. After your work day, refill on some colorful fruits and vegetables. It will make you feel great - better than adding any toxins to an already overworked body! Then, talk to your spouse, partner, kids, etc. about the highlights of your day. Let everyone talk about the good things that happened and feel the positive energy fill the house. Make this a daily practice and you will see a change in your life. I used to practice this with an old boyfriend. Every night we would say to the other "high and low" and no matter what we were doing, we took a break to share the highs and lows of our day. It not only encouraged us to connect and take a break, but it reminded us that something great happened today and something good would happen again tomorrow.

5. Before you fall asleep, take 5 minutes to review the day and then let it go. Do not worry about the day to come - just be thankful for all you experienced today and feel grateful for the hope of tomorrow.

Practice these simple steps to make a big difference!

Success coach Melani Ward helps women entrepreneurs create the business of their dreams so they can have more money, time and freedom in their lives. If you're ready to get more clients, have more fun and make a whole lot more money in your small business, get your FREE report NOW at http://www.HotButtonCopy.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melani_Ward http://EzineArticles.com/?Time-Management-For-New-Moms---5-Ways-to-Make-Time-For-Yourself&id=423610

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