Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mother's Day, Don't Just Give A Gift, Give A Memory!

Mother’s Day will be with us in just a few short weeks. At this point in your life, you may be a mother yourself, living miles, even states away from your own Mom or mother-in-law. That doesn’t mean you can’t surprise them with a special gift on Mother’s Day. Our favorite gift recommendation is the moment. You’re probably wondering what we mean by “the moment”. Well, we mean the moment the UPS or FedEx driver walks up their front walk with that mysterious brown box. What could it be they wonder?

It’s the moment they take that big box inside and place it on the kitchen table and examine it. First, they look at the return address, and see that it is was shipped from Shop The Gift Basket Store. Now you’ve really whetted their appetite. They start wondering if it could be a gourmet gift basket, a fun cookie bouquet or a pampering spa gift basket. They eagerly cut open the tape and start reaching through the packing “popcorn” or papers and pull out a magnificent gift arrangement.
All this time they are wondering who actually ordered this festive present. They peer through the cellophane wrap that is tied neatly with a bow on top and marvel at all of the chocolate, treats , cheese and crackers or even decadent cookies, looking for the gift card. Soon they spy it and eagerly tear open the flap and pull out the message. With tears in their eyes they read the words that mean so much to them “I miss you Mom, Happy Mother’s Day, Love Your Daughter (or son).”

You may not think this means much to a Mom, but trust us, it does. No matter if you see her once a year or once a week, it is so good to take care of the woman who supported you through soccer, the endless talent shows, dance class, marching band or football games. On the rainiest days of the year she sat in the minivan waiting for the school bus to drop you off so you didn’t have to walk the one block home in the rain. (She was also there on the sunniest days of the year too!) This is the woman who helped you with your college applications, drove you to move in day at the dorm, carried boxes of your stuff up to your dorm room on the hottest day of August while you tried to act real cool in front of the other incoming freshman, and finally, the woman who drove away leaving you on your own for the very first time of your life. Not alone, but on your own.

So, no matter how far away your mother lives, she is always with you in your heart, and you in hers. Go ahead, order her one of those beautiful gift baskets . Create a special moment. Don’t just send a gift, send a memory!

Visit our large selection of Mother's Day Gift Baskets at: http://www.shopthegiftbasketstore.com/modaygi1.html

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